Thursday, July 7, 2011

Aww what about an introduction

  1. My name is Ana 
  2. Why do I blog? Because I want to channel my thoughts out there to people who share the same type of endeavors or for those who can understand the mind of a artistic/creative
Live currently in a small town named pasadena, Tx 

Who some refer to stinkydena. Honestly it doesnt stink here at my house. lol 
I love it here its a place I call home. 

Believe me: I already had my adventures of moving out of the state of Texas far up north to snow and ice and have gotten the chance to travel etc but for now my little two feet will stay still on the stinky soil which you call pasadena.

p.s always open to travel and visit new places....always a time for that.
So yeah : here I go on my journey to my dream: we will see what follows 

Lost in creativity

As of July 7, 2011

I have come to find out that I am not the only one who feels lost in their job. It's a place of security only at times, well it feels like to some out there. You know who you are. :)

We find ourselves in a time of a  horrible economy. There are many people who work to work, to make ends meet and those who put all their efforts, money and time to pursue  a dream that they in the end will accomplish.

I, myself find myself stuck. I have always been a dreamer. Full of ideas and dreams. It seems I have always been this way and to my knowledge I still have a dream. Goodness: when will my thoughts of this come to an end. might say when I finally accomplish the dream that I want.   So How will I begin this journey. I have started to create jewelry designs of my own which I do enjoy but my picture is much bigger than that.

I will see what happens and try my best to get where I will find myself truly happy. It will take time and will.

Some body told me that everything is possible, if you put your mind to it and say you will succeed then it will happen. Others may say but of course easier said than done. Fear makes us fall and not accomplish the things we want.

My best friend Lee has made it and that is an example already.
He has finally put 100 percent into his dream and is working for himself. He and his best friend have opened an art gallery in New york and they are doing well.
Check it out

Off to find my impossible dream. :)